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Posts tagged ‘twitter’

What You Need to Know About the #NewTwitter


“Well yesterday was a big day on Twitter, wasn’t it? I don’t know about you but I was glued to the live stream of the not-so top secret Twitter press conference at exactly 3:30 pm and watched closely for an hour and a half while @Ev and @Biz told us all about the new “bigger and better”  The founders outlined many of the recent achievements they have seen with the growth of their community and announced the release of a brand new interface for, which will be rolling out to all users over the new few weeks (it’s important to note that currently only 1% of users have access to the redesign, that decision was not so well received.)

The new  interface has a renewed focus on the user experience with in stream multi-media expansions, more search capabilities, and an all around sexier more fluid feeling. I went crazy yesterday playing with the new interface and wanted to share way too many screenshots and my thoughts on the new layout. I am excited to hear what you guys think all of these changes mean, so let’s do this, shall we? What are the big changes to our beloved”

Read the full article @ SEOmoz.

This excerpt was written by Joanna Lord (SEOmoz Staff).

Old Spice Guy Makes Twitter Fan’s Marriage Proposal


The Old Spice guy just took his YouTube (YouTube) campaign to a whole new level by proposing to a woman on behalf of one of his Twitter (Twitter) followers. The fan tweeted within hours that she’d agreed to marry him.

Yesterday, Old Spice started posting YouTube videos featuring the shirtless man from the popular TV commercials delivering personalized messages to fans on Twitter, Facebook (Facebook) and other websites. Regular fans got video responses, but the Old Spice guy also smartly targeted social media-savvy celebrities and bloggers to get the word out and achieve viral status.

A fan named Johannes S. Beals tweeted, “Can U Ask my girlfriend to marry me? Her name is Angela A. Hutt-Chamberlin” to Old Spice. The following video popped up on YouTube within an hour, and Old Spice tweeted it at Beals.

Read the full article @MASHABLE.

Living Content: It’s What People Want

contentMost web content is barely alive, even when it is first written. It is pumped out by content mills, optimized and uploaded. This kind of bulk content is often referred to as backfill content. I prefer the term “landfill content.” Dead and rotting from day one.

In sharp contrast, living content is quality content. It is shared quickly through social media—because it is worth sharing—and takes root across the web. Better still, true living content is updated and added to on a regular basis.

Let’s look at the attributes of these two types of web content.

Defining landfill content

Landfill content is written primarily for the search engines. Working from a list of strong keywords or phrases, marketers aim to create a new page of content optimized for each phrase.

The purpose of this content is to please or mislead the search engines, and achieve a page-one position in the search results.

The focus is on volume, and not on quality.

This kind of content can achieve its purpose very well, particularly if the strategy is employed by an authority domain. The site’s historical authority lifts the landfill content pages higher in the search results.

But there is one huge downside to this approach. It’s a customer killer, and a brand killer.

When a visitor’s first experience of your website is through one of these low-quality pages, they get a very poor first impression of your site, company or organization. They won’t become customers, they won’t return to your site, and they certainly won’t share the page through Facebook or Twitter.

That’s the fundamental problem here. Bulk content is written to impress the search engines, and not your visitors.

And, as you know, only people buy. The Googlebot will never become a customer.

Read the full article @SEARCHENGINELAND.

How to Create a Twitter Marketing Strategy


I work with clients who have signed up and are using Twitter. Roughly half of them love it, the other half loathe it. One thing they all have in common is that they are not sure about how to be strategic in terms of their Twitter marketing.

Using Twitter to market yourself or your business requires a bit more thought than simply following and retweeting Mashable. Here are a few tips that others have found useful when setting up a marketing strategy.

Read the article @jorgensundberg

99 Icon Sets To Use In Commercial Design Projects

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Today’s blog post we have decided  to do a massive collection of 99 icon sets which can each be used within commercial design projects. This compilation was put together simply because  of the lack of free icon sets which are available to be used in commercial design projects, what’s the point creating an icon set if its not free to use ?

A  great blog post of high quality icon sets which is a greate reference to bookmark for future reference. This post was time consuming putting together therefore any comments on your thoughts about the article would defiantly be really appreciated.

Checkout the full article @CREATIVENERDS.

40+ Essential Social Business Resources

social media

Business and social media are becoming more and more inseparable. Most businesses, from big brands to startups, are expected to have an efficient, developed social media presence.

The good news is that you don’t have to go it alone. We’ve collected a list of MashableMashable resources, published over the past months, that can help you start, manage, or grow your social networks.

Whether you need an app on the go, are looking for real-world examples, or want to expand your marketing online, this list of resources can help your business needs.

Checkout the full article @MASHABLE.

LeBron James Surpasses 150,000 Twitter Followers in 7 Hours

Lebron James

His Majesty cannot be stopped, at least on Twitter. In just six hours, NBA superstar LeBron James’ Twitter account has surpassed 150,000 followers, outpacing the growth of other famous figures on Twitter, including Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Read more of the article @MASHABLE.