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Posts tagged ‘Typography’

60 Most Stunning Typography Inspiration of All Time

“Typography is the art and techniques of arranging type, type design, and modifying type glyphs. The arrangement of type involves the selection of typefaces, point size, line length, leading, tracking and kerning.

We have selected 60 Most Stunning Typography Inspiration of All Time. Please feel free to suggest your favourite ones as well. Enjoy”

Checkout the full article

A Handful of Fascinating Typography Tidbits

“Today, I present to you a small handful of informational tidbits which will act as glimpses into the world of a typography enthusiast.

You may not currently think about the impact of a period, types of fonts, or understand why people grumble about Comic Sans, but hopefully after this article, you might.

1. New York Times Nameplate – The Impact of a Period

The period in the New York Times nameplate died on February 21, 1967. Around the time of the removal, they put out a news release claiming that removing the period from the nameplate would save tons of ink every year.

Although the alleged ink savings were beneficial, they were not the original reason for the redesign, theTimes was looking to update it’s appearance and hired Ed Benguiat to make a number of typographical alterations. According to his Wikipedia page, Benguiat has designed over 600 typefaces, including Playboy, Sports Illustrated, and, the original Planet of the Apes film.”


You can find the full article @BUILDINTERNET.

50+ Fonts for Big, Bold Headlines


“Font selection for headlines on websites can be critical to achieving the right look and drawing the proper attention with the headlines. Here is a look at more than 50 fonts that will give you some options for creating strong headlines that communicate a message. Some of these fonts you probably already have, some of them can be downloaded for free, and others can be purchased. Each font is linked to a page where it can be downloaded or purchased.”

Written by DesignMag.

33 Epic Works of Typography Art


“If your creative typography juices aren’t exactly flowing, you’re at the right place. The impressive works of art below are all focused on typography and showcase a wide range of type treatments that are guaranteed to inspire.”

You can see all the typography inspirations @ WebDesignLedger.

50 Great Examples of Extremely Awesome Typography


“This time we’re gonna show you some truly inspiring works with text, also referred to as typography. This can be used many places; in magazines, advertisements, websites, logos and more. These great pieces will show you that there are no boundaries and that you can make almost anything with text if you have a good portion of creativity and talent.

Typography can in today’s terms be so much more than what you find in a book or magazine. It’s turned into a very inspiring form of art, and there are many great pieces out there. Many times they can be mixed with either other graphical elements or some sort of poem or saying. Here we’ve picked out 50 pieces that can inspire you and maybe give you some new ideas.


Illustration by Andrew Margolin.

Checkout the full article @ 1stWebDesigner.

30 Mind-Blowing Typography Designs for Design Inspiration


Typography Designs has always been a fundamental aspect of inspiration, but many designers are now making type the centerpiece of their designs. Not only is  typography becoming the design, but type is being pushed to the limits by being used in cool new ways such as Mind-Blowing typography. Designers have been dabbling in fonts typography effects for a while, so here are some new type projects you may not have seen yet form the online design community.

Typographic posters is now more popular and we can notice a surge for Fonts Type work on portfolio sites, Here we have collected 30 Mind-Blowing Typography Designs for Design Inspiration , I found these design realy inspiring, hope you will be inspired.

Read the full article @GRAPHICDESIGNJUNCTION.